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GoDaddy/GoCentral GDPR Cookie Solution

With consentmanager you can make your GoDaddy website/shop GDPR compliant:

  • Easy to integrate
  • GDPR and ePrivacy compliant
  • Official IAB TCF v2 CMP
  • Compatible with all ad servers (incl. GAM/AdSense)
  • Fully customizable to match your own design
  • Integrated cookie crawler
  • Display in more than 30 languages
Illustration einer Frau die einem Mann den Cookie Banner übergibt

We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy

Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.

… and many more.

GoDaddy cookie banner

legal certainty with

  • GoDaddy is one of the world’s most popular web hosts and domain registrars. In addition to web hosting and domains, GoDaddy also offers modular systems for your own websites. The kit is aimed in particular at companies that operate small to medium-sized company websites. Regardless of the purpose of use, a website must be GDPR compliant with GoDaddy. According to the ECJ ruling of 2019, explicit user consent is required for cookie consent management. GoDaddy cookies may only be set after this consent. The legally compliant implementation succeeds with a clear GoDaddy cookie banner.

  • Overview and general information about the provider

    GoDaddy is primarily a domain registrar and web host. GoDaddy was founded by Bob Parsons. As early as 2010, GoDaddy was the largest registrar in the world and counted 40 million domains worldwide (even ahead of its competitors Tucows and Enom). Since then, around 50,000 domains registered on GoDaddy have been added every day. GoDaddy alone manages more than the next nine largest registrars combined.

    GoDaddy’s IPO was planned in 2006, but never materialized. In 2011, the company was acquired by a consortium of KKR and Silver Lake. These new owners eventually completed the company’s IPO in 2015. In 2017, GoDaddy acquired the Host Europe Group, further expanding its influence in the web hosting space.

    As a website building block system , GoDaddy has made a name for itself with the product GoDaddy Websites + Marketing. This product is available in four different tariffs. A free version is also available. Offerings include 24/7 customer support and website hosting services, among others. The operation of online shops is also possible on the basis of GoDaddy. In this regard, GoDaddy offers the E-Commerce tariff.

  • Legal status of consent management

    Every operation of a website is associated with the creation and processing of cookies . These are small files that make the behavior of users on the website traceable. Some cookies are technically essential for the website to be able to operate at all. Other cookies are technically not absolutely necessary, but they are of great use to you as a website or shop operator . This includes in particular analysis and tracking cookies.

    In order to make GoDaddy GDPR compliant, data protection laws require visitors’ explicit consent to the use of cookies. There are also corresponding data protection requirements outside the GDPR area, for example in many US states . Furthermore, visitors must be able to object to GoDaddy cookies. Likewise, data protection regulations may make it necessary to inform users precisely about the data tracking functions. Your policies in this regard must be described in the Privacy Policy section.

  • Consent to the use of cookies has required a double opt-in at the latest since the ECJ (European Court of Justice) judgment of 2019. In practice, this means that cookies may only be set if users have opted for them. The only exceptions to this are the technically essential cookies.

    The implementation of the opt-in is legally compliant with a GoDaddy cookie banner . This should appear or be played out as soon as a visitor reaches the page. After consent, the GoDaddy cookies allowed by the user may be created.

    consentmanager helps bring GoDaddy pages into compliance with data protection regulations. With each visit, users are asked for consent via GoDaddy cookie banners. This cookie notice is associated with further advantages for website operators and visitors that go beyond pure data protection.

GoDaddy cookie banner

Benefits from the customer and visitor perspective

In addition to you as the operator of the website, your customers will also benefit from a well thought-out GoDaddy cookie banner. Customers have the right that GoDaddy cookies are always treated in accordance with data protection regulations. Customers also have the right to decide how and to what extent non-essential cookies may be used. A GoDaddy cookie banner gives customers the ability to opt-in or opt-out of cookie use. This strengthens customer trust , which contributes to a positive user experience.

CMP Consent Management

GoDaddy Cookie Banner and its advantages for you as an operator
the website

  • When integrated and used correctly, a GoDaddy cookie banner helps ensure that data protection requirements are met in a legally secure manner. Furthermore, the cookie notice is a contribution to an advantageous user experience. Visitors’ trust is strengthened when they are given the opportunity to make decisions about their privacy. User experience is one of the key criteria for website success. The user experience is directly linked to the important key figures of the acceptance rate and the bounce rate. It is therefore equally related to the length of stay. Users should be happy to stay on the website and find their way around there. If the acceptance rate is high and the bounce rate is low, the probability of a conversion increases. A conversion is when a visitor initiates an important transaction. This ranges from subscribing to a newsletter to making a purchase (if the website is a shop).

    A well-designed GoDaddy cookie banner helps optimize the important parameters of acceptance rate and bounce rate . The bounce rate should be as low as possible while aiming for a high acceptance rate. By optimizing these parameters, the GoDaddy cookie banner contributes to website performance. The overarching goals of customer acquisition and retention are also directly related to low bounce rates and high adoption rates.

    consentmanager’s GoDaddy Consent Banner gives you an instant view of your current acceptance and bounce rates. This makes it possible to evaluate these criteria in real time. This also highlights the potential for improvement in these metrics.

  • More benefits

    Another big advantage is the flexible design options. consentmanager offers a variety of designs and customization options. Company logo can be easily integrated. The ability to customize it allows you to adapt it to your own corporate design.
    Thanks to the integrated cookie crawlers, a GDPR compliance check can be easily implemented at GoDaddy. This is automated thanks to the crawlers.

    consentmanager is also automatically updated. Thanks to this, the site on GoDaddy is GDPR compliant and always up to date and protected from unauthorized access. Another valuable feature is the built-in A/B testing procedures. These allow us to determine the optimal settings for implementing the banner based on user reactions to different designs of the GoDaddy cookie banner.

Your benefits

4 Top Reasons Why You Should Become GDPR Compliant


Eine responsive Anpassung versteht sich heutzutage von selbst. Kunden greifen über verschiedene Endgeräte mit unterschiedlichen Displaygrößen und Betriebssystemen auf Webseiten zu. Das Consentmanager Cookie Banner passt sich stets responsiv an die jeweiligen Parameter an. Auf diese Weise ist eine optimale Darstellung der Inhalte DSGVO konform möglich. Ganz gleich, ob der Zugriff per Smartphone, Tablet oder Desktop erfolgt, kann das Cookie Banner stets responsiv zu einer Abstimmung mit der DSGVO beitragen.

Multilingual Capability

Da immer mehr Webseiten international ausgerichtet sind, ist eine multilinguale Consent-Lösung wichtig. Auch internationale Kunden wollen verstehen, welchen Cookies sie zustimmen. Daher ist der Cookie Banner des consentmanagers in über 30 Sprachen verfügbar. Damit ist Ihre Webseite für den DSGVO-Raum und weit darüber hinaus sprachlich fit.


Ein Webseiten-Baukastensystem ist auf Plug-ins und Erweiterungen angewiesen. Ebenso kommen oft über Schnittstellen weitere Systeme hinzu. Dies verlangt nach weitreichender Kompatibilität und Interoperabilität. consentmanager ist mitsamt verschiedener Cookie Banner kompatibel mit einer Vielzahl gängiger Tag-Manager, Shopsysteme sowie mit nahezu sämtlichen Google-Produkten und Ad-Servern.

Data protection for your customers

Schützen Sie Ihre Kunden und schaffen Sie Vertrauen. Indem Sie alle geltenden Datenschutzregelungen des CCPA und der DSGVO erfüllen, fühlen sich die Besucher bei Ihnen wohl und sicher. Das erhöht die Verweildauer und Conversion Rate!

frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

If a user refuses to consent to the use of (certain) cookies, data that has been excluded accordingly cannot be transmitted. In particular, analysis and tracking data, which allow valuable conclusions to be drawn about user behavior, are omitted in this way.

With the GoDaddy Cookie Banner, the Consent Manager offers you a tool to obtain the consent to the use of cookies from your visitors in a legally secure manner. The cookie notice is automatically displayed each time you visit your site on GoDaddy. GDPR-compliant opt-in is thus possible. The GoDaddy COokie Banner provides users with comprehensive information and gives them the opportunity to decide on the use of cookies.

Cookie Consent means the consent of your visitors to the use and processing of technically unnecessary cookies. GoDaddy cookies may only be set after explicit consent. The only exceptions to this are technically essential cookies.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!