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Newsletter 05/2023

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App crawls are now also possible

consentmanager has had a cookie crawler for some time now, which can be used to check your own website/webshop for data protection compliance and to uncover weaknesses in the implementation of the GDPR when using a cookie banner.
GDPR compliance is not limited to websites and online shops. Mobile apps or TV sets also process personal data. To check the GDPR compliance of apps, consentmanager now offers the technical possibility to crawl apps.
This means more security for your visitors and customers in the future and makes you more trustworthy as an app provider and ensures more transparency from a data protection point of view.

The GDPR turns 5: Watch out for these 5 trends in data protection

The GDPR turns 5! With the 5th anniversary of the General Data Protection Regulation on May 25th this year, we take a look ahead at the key upcoming trends in privacy for businesses and individuals. We discuss five key trends, including data ethics, privacy for children, the rise of data localization laws, the expansion of the right to be forgotten, and increased enforcement of privacy laws. Keep an eye on these trends and proactively implement best practices.
Click here to read the full article: consentmanager

Webinar Recording: TCF Policy 3.5 vs 4.0 – New Changes You Need to Know

The digital advertising industry has seen many changes over the past few years, particularly on privacy and data protection. The Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) was introduced to address these concerns and bring a standardized approach to data governance.
In this webinar, the TCF Governance Board addresses the new changes to the latest version of TCF Policy 4.0 compared to TCF Policy 3.5 to address the concerns of the Belgian Data Protection Authority and other data protection authorities. You can watch the webinar here:
Read the full article and watch the video:

Announcement: IAB TCF v2.2 support

The IAB will release version 2.2 later this month. IAB TCF v2.1 (current version) will be officially deprecated in September 2023. consentmanager will implement the changes required for TCF v2.2 by June 2023 (update June 15) and provide customers with the option to manually upgrade from TCF v2.1 to v2.2. Customers who have not manually switched by September 2023 will be switched automatically.
We will publish more information about the differences between the TCF versions in our next newsletter, but for most customers the changes will be minor and will not affect the normal operation of the website.

That was the OMR23 in Hamburg

Two exciting and action-packed days of OMR23 have come to an end. Our sales team had their hands full coping with the rush of visitors. Not only were cookies eaten, but there was also a lively exchange about cookie banners, data protection, etc. at our stand. This shows once again how high the need for knowledge sharing on this topic still is.
In this context, consentmanager would like to thank all visitors, customers and partners for their keen interest and for finding their way to us.
It was an exciting event for us to exhibit with our own stand at #OMR23 for the first time and not for the last time either.
Special thanks also go to the great team from Leadinfo (also part of the family), with whom we rocked our joint stand. It was even more fun together!

Google Consent Mode – What is it and how does it work?

The Google Consent Mode is also known as Google Consent Mode. Consent mode allows you to respect the privacy of your visitors while using Google services like Google Analytics by configuring the Google tags and scripts based on the visitor’s consent status.
As a certified Google CMP partner consentmanager fully supports the integration of Google Consent Mode on our CMP.
To learn more about how to enable this mode on your website, read our article here: consentmanager

REMINDER: code change needed / old code deprecation

We would like to point out once again that some important code changes will be necessary shortly. The first step has already been taken with the latest updates. We’ve started getting rid of old codes.
You can read what you need to consider in the following article:

More tweaks and adjustments in January

In May there were, among other things, the following minor innovations and changes:
Problems with Adobe Consent Mode and autoblocking have been resolved. In addition, the list of providers is now sorted alphabetically. This also applies to custom providers. Likewise, the various design templates are now sorted in the order AZ. Display problems with the TikTok preview were fixed and adjustments were made to Shopware and Magento 2.4.6 plugin.

Further innovations and optimizations can be found in the complete release log:

Release log

  • Prevent button drag on SDK
  • Risk report timeline fixed
  • CMP not recognized on re-login
  • Added CMP ID & type on file names for code download
  • Added CMP old code usage info on new client
  • Added export cookie list to new client
  • Vendors list ordered AZ in cookie list add vendor
  • IAB/TCF note hidden for non-IAB CMPs
  • Highlighted info if counts (vendors, purposes, cookies) are empty (CMP modal, new client)
  • Added links to CMP modal info (vendors, cookies, purposes)
  • Disabled certain menu links if CMP creation process
  • Added new macros for reject/accept links
  • Fixed logo size to be 1:1 on recall icon
  • Default designs moved to end of list (Design modal)
  • Designs sorted AZ (design modal)
  • Added support for giosg
  • Added possibility to change controller&DPO via client side config vars
  • Fixed issue with TikTok Preview
  • Fixed issue setting 3rd Cookies with disabled CS/LS
  • Fixed issue with autoblocking elements
  • Fixed issue with Adobe Consent Mode sat_track cookie
  • Fixed issue design preview (new client)
  • Speeded up new client (dynamic images)
  • Fixed issue with infinite reload
  • Fixed issue with design save btn (new design)
  • Fixed placeholders (new design)
  • CMP wizard reworked (new design)
  • Plugin update: Magento 2.4.6 compatible
  • Plugin update: Shopware added custom HTML/JavaScript option

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