DSA came into force: Does the Digital Services Act apply to your company?
In our latest article, we look at the critical updates and expanded obligations for more online sites brought about by the Digital Services Act (DSA), a key component of the EU Commission’s ‘Europe fit for the digital age’ initiative. The DSA has been in force since 25 August 2023 for large online platforms and search engines, and is now fully applicable to other online platforms since 17 February 2024. Given that many websites might be considered online platforms, this could require them to abide by the DSA. To learn whether you must comply and what you can do about it, read more here: https://www.consentmanager.net/en/knowledge/dsa-for-online-platforms/

Deprecation of 3rd party cookies and adjusting your CMP Consent Scope settings
The approaching phase-out of third party cookies would require significant changes to consent processes of websites. As a result of these changes, we strongly advise our users who use our consent scope settings to switch to domain-specific consent. To learn more, please click here: https://www.consentmanager.net/en/knowledge/news/third-party-cookies-and-cmp-consent-scope

Tool Spotlight: Scale up your consent management with our multi-site features
Do you manage hundreds of websites at once? Do you need to provide a consistent CMP design to each of your sites from a single dashboard? Or would you prefer to create customised setups that meet different regulatory requirements for different sites? With our multi-site support tools, you can streamline the online consent process for up to hundreds of websites! To get you started, here is a quick overview of our features:
Easily manage permissions and access across sub-accounts
Organizations working with partners or customers may face the challenge of securely and efficiently distributing access to different levels of data or reports. Our tools provide solutions with the ability to assign limited access. You can create sub-accounts for partners or customers, giving them access to specific data or reports.
Unified management of multiple sites
Manage multiple sites under a single account with a single CMP code. Implement the same CMP code across all sites to ensure consistent consent management practices, maintaining design consistency and brand integrity across all digital fronts. Or, apply dedicated setups to allow you to comply with different regulatory standards.
Automation and mass editing capabilities
Automations allow you to perform mass edits across a large number of sites, greatly increasing management efficiency. Unify your vendor lists by maintaining a consistent vendor list across all sites, simplifying interactions with third parties. Automated Purpose Assignment allows website owners to automatically update and assign a consistent list of purposes for trackers used on each site, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact one of our experts here!
Webinar: Google Consent Mode v2 – don’t miss it!
Everyone is talking about Google Consent Mode v2. Many advertisers and website operators still have a wide range of questions about this topic, what exactly Google’s new requirements mean for their business and how exactly they have to implement the legal and technical requirements in detail.
consentmanager would like to answer these questions and explain the most important facts and necessary implementation steps in a webinar. Jan Winkler, CEO of consentmanager, will also give you ample opportunity to ask your individual questions.
Webinar: Google Consent Mode v2 with Jan Winkler
In German: 27 February 2024 | 11: CET – Register now: https://www.consentmanager.net/de/webinar/
In English: 28 February 2024 | 11: CET – Register now: https://www.consentmanager.net/en/webinar/

Webinar “No cookies = revenues losses?” on 11 March 2024
On Monday, 11 March at 15:00, the webinar “No cookies = revenues losses?” will take place together with our partner Refinery89. Learn more about the implications for publishers and advertisers of a digital “cookie-less” world. The two experts Robin de Wit (CSO Refinery89) and Jan Winkler (CEO consentmanager) will discuss topics such as:
- What can publishers expect in 2024 regarding the new data protection regulations (DAS, DMA)?
- Is there a direct correlation between the deprecation of cookies and loss of revenue?
- Learn more about cookie-safe solutions like Contextual+ and content design techniques that can help publishers and advertisers in a cookie-free world.
Register now: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/540293ef-689e-4c37-9350-efe049b1bccb@7117068e-7ca2-4ea3-b1a9-2ae37280d6bb
The webinar will be held in English

Important update: New Swiss technical guidelines on consent
New technical guidelines from the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) require website owners, companies, and organisations to block non-essential cookies in advance. This update contradicts the guidelines of the current revised Federal Data Protection Act (nFADP), meaning that website owners may need to update their consent collection mechanisms on their website.
The New Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP), clarified how personal data should be managed for Swiss citizens, emphasizing Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default. However, it did not require cookie banners for user consent.
But the new guidelines set out in Section 5.1 of the FDPIC’s Technical and Organisational Measures (TOM) document extended these ideas and added new requirements. They require:
Prior blocking of non-essential cookies: Websites must disable non-essential cookies by default until users give their consent. Users’ privacy is protected from the moment they enter the site.
Active consent for additional cookies: Enabling non-essential cookies requires active consent from the user, emphasizing the need for a clear and informed choice.
Minimal Data Collection by Default: The Privacy by Default principle requires only the minimum information to be processed after data collection.
Action items for compliance
Until user consent is gained, you should make sure to pre-block cookies set by your Consent Management Platform (CMP) if your business is headquartered in Switzerland or if you are targeting users who reside there. In order to legally gain user approval for establishing non-essential cookies, it is also important to implement a consent mechanism that uses a cookie banner or notice on your website.
If you need assistance, get in contact with one of our experts right away!

Further optimisations and adjustments in February
In February, the following adjustments and bug fixes were made, among others:
Various improvements and additional functionalities were implemented in the CMP. For example, it is now possible to send the compliance report as an Excel file to any e-mail address and to specify the dispatch frequency. Furthermore, it is now possible to add a provider ID to the cookie list and add tags per provider. With regard to the synchronisation functions, the CMP settings can only be defined for the provider list, the cookies and the purposes if required and not for all settings together.
Further new features and optimisations can be found in the complete release log:
Release log
- New Feature: DSA Transparency Support (IAB Proposal)
- Fix: Issue setting classig purposes to always-on
- Design of dropdown search improved
- Optimization Report UX improvements
- Allow “+” for mail & username
- Fix: Risk report bug, “vendors have no description” even though they do
- Fix: Crawler reports no consent mode found
- Improved: Privacy policy generator
- Fix: Stage/publish issue
- Fix: Publish rights missing
- Fix: Live CMP cannot be choosen in dashboard selectbox
- Fix: Live CMP cannot be found in CMP modal search
- Fix: TR missing in t&c, imprint selection
- Fix: Update default setting for new CMPs
- Add clear search to table search bar
- Fix: Cookie list search display issues
- Improved: Option to not synchronize CMP settings
- Improved: Add default purpose description
- Fix: Catch IBC response error
- Improved: Add vendor IDs to cookie list
- Improved: Set TCF default values to false for purposes
- Improved: Change 1st party cookies to samesite=lax
- Improved: Add height & width to CMP logo
- Fix: Change of purpose ID causes the list to be incorrect
- Improved: Hide expand icon if no content is present
- Add cookie export
- Add possibility to add notes to a vendor
- Add possibility to add tag per vendor
- Fix: Connected purposes show incorrect vendors
- Improved: Vendorlist: Mass edit: Add remove/delete vendor option
- Fix: Add classic purposes sets all to legitimate interest
- Add option to email compliance report
- Improved: Update CMP Version on publish
- Fix: Download button without function
- Fix: Language select confuses EN with EN-en
- Fix: Connected vendors are not displayed correct
- Add option to not truncate Cookie names
- Fix: Cookie export type is missing
- Fix: Cookie list: Type does not show vendor’s purpose
- Fix: SEPA payment cannot be choosen
- Fix: Add purpose button doesnt work
- Fix: Bug in cookie layer: explainpurpose()
- Fix: Language detection bug: “es-es” not recognized as “es”
- Fix: TR missing in purpose description
- Add new default designs
- Fix: Issue copying CMPs
- Improved: Cookie list Export: Add column 1st/3rd Party
- Fix: Cookielist: remove alias domain
- Fix: JSON Language download for default design doesnt work
- Add option to disable transition effect in designs
- Fix: Issues displaying cookie list
- Reporting: Add column for auto-accept (e.g. opt-out regs)
- Add option “always enable vendors for which purpose …”
- Fix: Counting of choice existed is incorrect when changing the designs
- Fix: Click on purpose arrow should also extend description
- Fix: Upload of translations for default design doenst work