Our webinar on TDDDG & current developments in data protection took place on November 9, 2021. We have dealt with the following topics, among others:
- What is the TDDDG and what does it mean for my website?
- What is the situation with the data protection authorities?
- How should my cookie banner be designed to be as compliant as possible?
The PDF for the webinar can be downloaded here .
TDDDG in brief:
The abbreviation TDDDG stands for Telecommunications Digital Services Data Protection Act (originally Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act, TTDSG) and has been in force in Germany since December 1, 2021. The TDDDG regulates telecommunications secrecy and data protection in telecommunications and telemedia services. The introduction of the TDDDG is intended to close existing data protection gaps, such as Article 5 (3) of the ePrivacy Directive, which was implemented into German law by Section 25 of the new TDDDG. It also supplements the European Electronic Communications Code (Directive (EU) 2018/1972 (ECC Directive)).