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Elimination of third-party cookies and adjustment of your CMP consent scope settings

Cookie graphic with a red circle in the middle and the text heading 1st party cookies and 3rd party cookies

The upcoming abolition of third-party cookies means a big change in the use of consentmanager consent scopes. From June, consentmanager will no longer set third-party cookies under the consentmanager .net domain. As a result of this change, some of our consent scope options, such as account-specific consent and CMP-specific consent, used with third-party cookies will be removed. We strongly encourage our customers to move to domain-specific consent settings as soon as possible, as by June all customers using these settings will be upgraded to domain-specific consent.

The move away from third-party cookies is not without reason. Driven by browser changes and increasing concerns over privacy and data security, the industry is steering towards more transparent and user-friendly approaches to consent management. For a deeper understanding of why third-party cookies are being deprecated, refer to our comprehensive article on this subject here or watch our previous webinar here

What is “domain-specific” consent?

Domain-specific consent means that the user’s consent is recorded directly in the domain in which the user interacts. The user’s consent decision is then distributed across all subdomains of the same domain.

How to make the switch:

  1. Read our detailed help page on Consent Scopes/Cross Domain Consent here for detailed instructions.
  2. Navigate to your dashboard where you can easily adjust your consent settings to suit domain-specific requirements. Go to CMPs → Legal → Legal Settings.

Our team will be happy to assist you with this process. If you need further information or help configuring your consent area, please contact our support team.

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