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Webinar: consentmanager Cookie Consent Solution: How to set up and install it correctly

On September 3rd, our webinar on the topic of “How to set up and install consentmanager cookie consent solution correctly” took place. In this webinar, Jan Winkler , CEO of consentmanager , led us through the most important functions and gave valuable insights into the new user interface of the consentmanager CMP interface.

The webinar was offered in both German and English and provided participants with detailed instructions on how to optimally integrate and use the new user interface of the consentmanager CMP Consent Solution.

The following topics were discussed:

  • Introduction to the new user interface: The most important updates of the consentmanager CMP and how you can use them effectively.
  • Efficient integration: Step-by-step instructions for integrating the consentmanager cookie consent solution.
  • Optimization potential: Extensive functions that help you make the most of the new interface.

You missed it? No problem! Watch the video to discover how you can successfully implement the consentmanager CMP Consent Solution.

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Newsletter 09/2024

New features: Data Subject Rights (DSR) tool The GDPR provides that those affected (such as website visitors, customers or other persons whose data is processed) enjoy certain rights. This includes, in particular, the right to query their rights and obtain information about the data processed. The rights include, among others: Our new DSR tool now […]
consentmanager logo with the text ‘consentmanager is a Google CMP Gold Partner’ on the left side. Gold medal with a ribbon next to a shield with the text ‘Certified CMP Partner’ in Google brand colours.

consentmanager achieves Gold Status as Google CMP Partner

consentmanager is pleased to announce that it has been named a Gold Tier CMP Partner within Google’s Consent Management Platform (CMP) Partner Program. This recognition is awarded to us with consideration of the following criteria: The latest development in the Google Partner Program makes CMP implementation easier for our customers. Now you can integrate your consent banner directly […]