Cookie checker
Check your website’s cookies for free
With consentmanager’s free cookie checker, you can check your website for GDPR compliance and receive valuable information and recommendations for optimized cookie information. Our cookie crawler automatically visits your website and analyzes the cookies that have been set. These suggestions and tips will help you comply with the GDPR while offering your customers a banner ad with added value and higher click-through rates.
- GDPR compliance test
- Risk assessment for your website
- See all cookies & providers

We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy
Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.
… and many more.
Check website cookies daily
What is a cookie checker?
A cookie checker or cookie crawler is basically a browser that automatically visits your website. Through the scan, you can find out which providers are available on the website and which cookies they set. The cookie scanner can also automatically assign the cookies to specific purposes (e.g. necessary cookies, functional cookies, marketing cookies, analytics or measurement cookies). This way you can fully inform your visitors and comply with the GDPR cookie policy.
It is important that you regularly check your websites for new cookies and providers. This is the only way you can be legally on the safe side. In addition, consentmanager’s cookie checker gives you important insights into your customers’ behaviour. Our cookie crawler therefore automatically checks your website every day as soon as you have integrated the CMP code. We can also automatically notify you by email when the cookie checker finds new cookies or providers on your site. This allows you to act quickly without wasting time.
Cookie Crawler
Which cookies are on my website?
Our cookie checker will automatically visit (crawl) your website and find any cookies set by your partners or your website. You get a detailed view of each cookie, its purpose (e.g. marketing, analytics, functional, …) and the provider that stored it.
- Automatic cookie robot
- GDPR Risk Assessment
- Detailed overview
- IAB providers & non-IAB providers

Use cookies in accordance with the law
Why should I check my browser cookies?
The only way to be GDPR compliant is to inform your visitors about all partners/vendors who process personal data on your website. The easiest way to do this is to use consentmanager’s cookie checker, which automatically scans your pages and notifies you. In addition to our free cookie scanner, you can use our Consent Management Provider (CMP): this allows you to display a customised cookie banner on your website to obtain visitor consent. With ready-made, legally compliant texts in over 30 languages and automatic updates, the GDPR information on your website is always up to date. You avoid warnings or fines from data protection authorities as well as a high bounce rate for your visitors. Instead, you increase adoption rates and customer satisfaction.
Recommended by lawyers and data protection officers
Your benefits
4 Top Reasons to Become GDPR Compliant
GDPR Compliance
consentmanager beachtet jederzeit die aktuelle Cookie Richtlinie der DSGVO. Sie erhalten automatisch Rechtssicherheit, auch bei Änderungen im Datenschutzgesetz. Mit diesem Rundum-Sorglos-Paket haben Sie den Kopf für Ihr Business frei. Der Cookie-Checker scannt Ihre Website und listet alle Anbieter vollständig auf. Hat ein Kunde seine Zustimmung für einen Cookie verweigert, blockiert der Crawler automatisch die Datenweitergabe.
Data protection for your customers
Schützen Sie Ihre Kunden und schaffen Sie Vertrauen. Indem Sie alle geltenden Datenschutzregelungen des CCPA und der DSGVO erfüllen, fühlen sich die Besucher bei Ihnen wohl und sicher. Das erhöht die Verweildauer und Conversion Rate!
consent management
Nur indem Sie Ihre Website Cookies prüfen, können Sie Ihre Besucher umfassend über die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten informieren. Laut DSGVO benötigen Sie die aktive Zustimmung (Consent) der User. Consentmanager ermöglicht Ihnen die Erstellung eines individuellen Banners mit Cookie-Hinweis. Ist dieser mit den Ergebnissen vom Cookie-Checker und Ihrer Corporate Identity optimiert, erhöhen Sie die Zustimmungsrate der Besucher und damit die Kundenzufriedenheit.
More sales through advertising and conversion rate
Advertisers need consent to process the data in order to serve personalised ads. This means you get more advertising revenue than with non-personalised advertising. At the same time, with an optimised cookie banner, you can reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates and time spent on the site. When customers feel comfortable with you and trust you to protect their privacy, it has a positive impact on user behaviour and conversion rates.
frequently asked Questions
Not sure if you need a CMP?
To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.
The cookie banner must appear immediately on the website, but must not cover the imprint. The options must be clearly stated, there must be no ticks next to the cookies – these are set by the user himself.
As much as many users and website operators would like to see this, the GDPR stipulates that the user must give their consent themselves. Accordingly, there must be no ticks next to the cookies, but must be set by the user himself.
In theory, you can do without cookies, but certain cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Users can do without tracking cookies without it affecting their surfing experience.
The GDPR applies everywhere within the European Union. If you are based in the European Union, your website must be GDPR compliant. The same applies to websites that are registered in a country outside the EU but sell products or services to users in the EU.
Thanks to cookies, very good usability can be guaranteed, for example by storing access data. This means that the visitor can return to the online shop at a later point in time without having to re-enter the access data. In addition, marketing-related cookies allow the tracking and analysis of user behavior.
Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!