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TDDDG-compliant data protection with the Consent Manager

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since 2018, setting very strict limits on the processing of personal data. The Federal Cabinet has now passed the Telecommunications Digital Services Data Protection Act (TDDDG), originally the Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG), which has been in force since December 2021. This new data protection law specifies unifying regulations for the virtual space. One focus is the use of cookies, for which website operators will have to obtain consent in the future. So far, the general conditions have not been completely clear. The TDDDG is therefore directly linked to the challenge of cookie consent management .

Rechtskonforme Cookie-Banner- und Consentlösung

We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy

Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.

… and many more.

Bitte beachten Sie: Obwohl der ConsentManager CMP viele Funktionen wie das Blockieren von Codes und Cookies von Drittanbietern bietet, verwenden nicht alle unserer Kunden alle Funktionen. Bitte beurteilen Sie unsere Funktionen daher nicht nur danach, wie unsere Kunden unser Tool verwenden.


Here, as a website operator, you can obtain comprehensive information about the content, framework conditions and requirements of the new data protection law and, in the last part, examine an action-oriented solution with the consent manager in order to implement the new regulations in a legally compliant manner.

Cookie Consent Lösung für Unternehmen

origin story

How did the TDDDG come about?

  • Until now, the Telecommunications Act (TKG) and the Digital Services Act (DDG) , originally the Telemedia Act (TMG), were decisive for website operators with regard to the sensitive topic of data protection. The aim of the reintroduction of the TDDDG is to bring together all the provisions of these laws. A new main law on data protection is being created in order to ensure more transparency and uniformity.
  • What’s more, this legislative initiative is an implementation of a European directive : specifically, it concerns the so-called ePrivacy , which is now being implemented into German law with the TDDDG. Wherever tracking technologies or cookies are used, the new regulations will become relevant from December 2021. This not only applies to websites, but also permissions in apps. In view of the short time remaining, this is reason enough to take a closer look at a consent management provider.
  • Such a powerful solution is the basis for ensuring that data protection is legally secure in every respect. You will read below that cookie consent offers numerous advantages for companies and website visitors.
  • Germany lags behind in the implementation of EU data protection guidelines
    Since 2009, there has been a requirement at European Union level to obtain express consent for the use of cookies or other tracking technologies. This is particularly clear from Article 5 of the relevant ePrivacy Directive. Many websites are already implementing these regulations, although the legal framework is not entirely clear. This will change from December 2021.

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What is the TDDDG fundamentally about regarding cookie consent?

  • The aim of merging previous regulations into a new main law is to ensure greater legal certainty through standardization. With a view to data protection, there will be clear regulations for the setting of cookies and the use of tracking technologies at the end of 2021. In principle, users must be informed before storage as to what data is being collected for . You must also be able to refuse your consent to the use of cookies at any time (we are talking about ‘opt-out’ here).
  • A consent management tool makes it possible to query this required consent, document it and manage it transparently. The privacy of users should be better protected. They have it in their own hands on each website to accept cookies to a certain extent or to reject them entirely. Beyond data protection, cookies are helpful for website operators and users in order to be able to compile personalized content.

What is a consent management provider?

This question is relevant for you as a website operator at the latest now if you want to set cookies or use tracking. This will definitely no longer be possible without explicit approval or rejection. Given the new framework, you should look into viable solutions for cookie consent management . In the course of the introduction of the new data protection law, many website operators will be looking for fast, functional and, above all, legally secure solutions. In this respect, you have come to the right place to use Consentmanager to obtain the consent of website visitors in the prescribed form. Due to the range of functions described below, this tool allows much more than just managing the consent for cookies. No matter how complex the requirements of the TDDDG (previously: TTDSG) may seem to you and how short the time for implementation may seem: with the tried and tested Consent Manager you are relying on a highly functional solution.

Consent-Lösung für DSGVO, TTDSG, US-Privacy, CCPA, PIPEDA

How is the new data protection law to be classified?

If you are already familiar with the General Data Protection Regulation and the ePrivacy Directive, you will notice many parallels in the new data protection law. Ultimately, this only shows that many regulations already existed or were implemented by website operators with foresight. However, with the entry into force of the TDDDG (previously: TTDSG) in December 2021, there will no longer be any possibility of bypassing consent to the use of cookies and the like . From this perspective, the previously known regulations from the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive remain in effect. They are ‘only’ explicitly specified in the new data protection law with a view to cookies and tracking. Due to the combination in a new main law, the previous regulations do not lose their effect simply because of the similarity of the content.

  • Paragraph 25 TDDDG is to be read as an implementation of the ePrivacy Directive

    The ePrivacy Directive mentioned above is to be seen as the basis of the TDDDG. The member states of the EU should ensure that data may only be stored if users are informed about it in a clear and comprehensive manner . It must be unmistakably clear what users give their consent to and for what purposes cookies are set. In this context, the so-called Cookie II judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice should be noted, which confirms a decision of the European Court of Justice from 2019: As a result, the consent of users is mandatory before so-called non-essential cookies can be placed.

  • Against this background, Section 25 TDDDG regulates the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Basically, it is about the technology-neutral storage and retrieval of information on all (mobile) devices. Section 26 TDDDG specifies the rules for services provided by a corresponding technical administration.
  • Cookie Consent: What does the TDDDG require?

    Section 24 of the new Data Protection Act specifies the requirements for the processing of personal data. In principle, your users must be able to give their consent or explicitly refuse it. If we focus on the use of cookies, Section 25 TDDDG is of particular interest (= protection of privacy in end devices). On this basis, the storage of information is only permitted if users have given their consent by clicking on comprehensive and clear information.

  • The connection between the data protection laws is particularly clear from the wording in Section 24. The so-called consent condition of the General Data Protection Regulation was adopted here. Importantly, consent must be given before any form of processing of personal data occurs. The term ‘terminal equipment’ is often mentioned in the new data protection law.
  • What this means is that the regulations apply to all possible end devices that can establish an Internet connection. In view of this, the required query must be able to be carried out on all conceivable end devices without any problems and in a clear form.
  • How should the TDDDG be implemented?

    Much was already more or less binding before the planned introduction of the new data protection law. When surfing the Internet, you will not have missed the fact that in recent months, consent requests have increasingly become a new Standard for data protection in virtual space. From December 2021, the Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act will be legally binding. With this initiative to implement European law, all website operators must take action or check whether they meet the requirements of the TDDDG. This will require a Consent Management Provider (CMP).

  • Without professional Cookie Consent Management there is a risk of fines

    Anyone who violates the core principles described here must expect increased penalties in the form of fines. It can be assumed that the supervisory authorities responsible in Germany have so far held back due to the partly unclear legal situation. However, this restraint should fall with the standardization by the new data protection law. Also to be considered is increased warnings from competitors, who will certainly take a closer look at the cookie consent management of a website in the very near future. In view of this, only a professional solution for legal security comes into question: With Consentmanager you are making an excellent choice in this respect. Possible penalties can be found in Section 24 TDDDG. With up to 300,000 euros, these can be life-threatening for many entrepreneurs.



Permanently free for
a website
  • 5,000 views / month incl.
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Premade Designs
  • 1 crawl/week
  • Google Consent Mode v2
  • Support: tickets
  • additional Views bookable
  • IAB TCF compatible CMP
  • IAB GPP standard
  • A/B testing & optimization
  • Additional user accounts
  • Whitelabel


Monthly for
a website
  • 100,000 views / month incl.
  • Additional views: 0.11  / 1000
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Customizable designs
  • 3 crawls/day
  • Google Consent Mode v2
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • Legal Shield
  • Support: tickets
  • A/B testing & optimization
  • IAB TCF compatible CMP
  • Additional user accounts
  • Whitelabel


Monthly for up to
3 websites or apps
  • 1 million views / month incl.
  • Additional views: 0.05  / 1000
  • GDPR Compliant
  • IAB TCF compatible CMP & IAB GPP
  • Customizable designs
  • A/B testing & optimization
  • 10 crawls/day
  • Google Consent Mode v2
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • Whistleblowing- & Data Subject Rights Tool
  • Legal Shield
  • Support: Ticket & Email
  • Additional user accounts
  • Whitelabel


Monthly for up to
20 websites or apps
  • 10 million views / month incl.
  • Additional views: 0.02  / 1000
  • GDPR Compliant
  • IAB TCF compatible CMP & IAB GPP
  • Customizable designs
  • A/B testing & optimization
  • 100 crawls/day
  • 10 additional user accounts
  • Google Consent Mode v2
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • Whistleblowing- & Data Subject Rights Tool
  • Legal Shield
  • Support: Ticket, email & phone
  • Personal account manager
  • Whitelabel


Contact Sales
Monthly price by individual agreement
  • Any views / Month
  • Additional views: 0.02  / 1000
  • GDPR Compliant
  • IAB TCF compatible CMP & IAB GPP
  • Customizable designs
  • A/B testing & optimization
  • Any crawls/day
  • Any add. user accounts
  • Google Consent Mode v2
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • Whistleblowing- & Data Subject RightsTool
  • Legal Shield
  • Support: Ticket, email & phone
  • Personal account manager
  • White label

Your benefits

Advantages of the consent manager for operators AND website visitors

Up to this point, you have learned what the core of the new data protection law and the necessary consent management is all about. The requirements presented here can be read as a summary of the most important paragraphs, especially since the wording there is not always easy to understand.

  • With the Consent Manager you can use an optimal and tried and tested tool to ensure compliance with the TDDDG. You will see here that this cookie consent tool offers you multiple benefits on many levels . You should not only see such a tool as fulfilling a legal obligation, but also use a lot of potential. This is exactly what we want to finally illuminate in a compact form.
  • Why is the Consent Manager the best choice for compliance with the TDDDG?

    Get an overview here and start a free trial. With more than 30 languages, you can ensure data protection across borders if your company is internationally active or would like to become one in the future. You can choose from numerous ready-made texts and designs, allowing you to quickly implement a professional solution with a view to the new data protection law. You can use the option to integrate your company logo. This ensures a uniform and trustworthy overall impression: the query is not perceived as annoying.

  • Cookie Consent: You determine how the query is placed

    There are numerous options for positioning the cookie banner : It can be integrated into the website in different ways to ensure a consistent user experience. With the automatic cookie crawler and the GDPR compliance check, you are always on the safe side legally. Automatic updates also make a significant contribution to this. Due to the compatibility with all common shop systems, tag managers and Google products, smooth integration is usually possible.

Learn what your customers really want

Use the groundbreaking reports of the Consent Manager to increase the overall acceptance rate of the visitors and to minimize the bounce rate. With A/B testing, you can quickly decide, based on data, which settings are optimal for your website. Speaking of which: Consentmanager is responsive, which ensures automatic adaptation to all end devices.

Illustration zwei Männer tragen TTDSG Cookie-Banner von consentmanager

Act now

Ensure your website’s compliance with the Data Protection Act (TDDDG) now

  • Test the Consent Manager and offer your visitors tangible added value that will create trust. In recent months there have been reports of data leaks and insufficient privacy protection. With a professional query from the consent manager, you show your visitors that you take this topic very seriously.
  • What’s more: you put all decisions transparently in the hands of your potential customers right from the start. This will have a positive effect on the image and the seriousness of your website . Not only do they ensure compliance with data protection law, but they actively invest in visitor satisfaction.
  • Rankings and conversion can be optimized by reducing the bounce rate and increasing the length of stay. You can see here that Consentmanager can not only pay off for you on the important level of data protection. The new data law has been strategically important since the decision was taken at the latest. With Consentmanager you can implement a holistic solution from which you as a website operator will benefit on many levels. You can take the first steps right now.

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frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

This regulation at EU level, also known as the EPVO, is an addition to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It specifies the data protection of personal data in electronic or internet-based applications . The new data protection law takes up these regulations, which means that it can be seen as an implementation of European law at national level.

In the text of the law you will often come across the key term ‘terminal equipment’: it is defined in more detail in Section 2. Basically, this means any type of interface with which personal information can be processed. The way the connection is established is almost irrelevant. For practice and website operators, this means that data protection compliance must be possible on all conceivable end devices with transparent consent. The new law also explicitly refers to mobile devices such as smartphones.

The new law came into force together with the Telecommunications Modernization Act on December 1, 2021 . The previously common regulations from the Digital Services Act (originally the Telemedia Act) or the ePrivacy Directive are seamlessly replaced by the Data Protection Act, as the content is similar in many areas.

Or to put it another way: How can a website comply with the requirements of data protection law? At the latest when the new data protection law comes into force, website operators are well advised to rely on a powerful consent management tool . With Consentmanager, website operators choose the optimal solution: Numerous customization and management options ensure that the integration is as individual and targeted as possible. If you want to consistently implement the requirements of the new law, you are on the safe side with this tool.

Even though the legal framework was already very strict with regard to data protection in virtual space, the introduction of the TDDDG (previously TTDSG) creates binding legal certainty. This means that every website operator has to deal with consent management. This is not only necessary to comply with legal requirements. Website visitors will expect from a reputable company that the data protection query is professionally regulated. The protection of personal data is a very critical and sensitive aspect for the image of companies.

The Telecommunications Digital Services Data Protection Act is a core law that binds the provisions of the Telecommunications Act, the Digital Services Act DDG (formerly Telemedia Act, TMG) ​​and the ePrivacy Directive. Ultimately, it is about the implementation of European law and the creation of a uniform and transparent legal basis for data protection on the Internet. In accordance with the GDPR, data protection is explicitly specified with regard to cookies and tracking.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!