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Cookie Consent Manager for Online Shops

In the wake of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),e-privacy has become a key legal issue in the operation of an online shop. There is a lot of uncertainty. New requirements for the use of cookies and other tracking technologies raise legal issues as well as technical implementation and design issues. We offer an all-in-one solution. With a cookie consent manager for online shops, you can easily request, document and manage consent for the use of cookies.s in a simplified manner. You can benefit from our services. The added value for you and your customers? Transparency and security.

Illustration Frau liegt auf Cookie-Banner

We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy

Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.

… and many more.

For successful online shops

Cookie Consent in Online Shops and the Legal Significance

  • The agenda was set by the decision of the ECJ (European Court of Justice). Tracking via cookies can no longer only take place after implicit consent when users visit your web shop. What you want to track must be explicitly stated. The customer or prospect may consent or object to the processing. For this reason, opt-in solutions are mandatory in online shops and on other websites.
  • We can help. We design and implement the right consent management solution for you. For legal certainty and trustworthiness. Our goal is maximum transparency for your visitors in a GDPR-compliant way. Whether in web shops or digital marketplaces. Experience has shown that through transparency, we convert moments of trust into high approval rates. Your users consent to cookie tracking. You still benefit from data, which in online marketing is worth its weight in gold.

What Cookie Consent Managers do for Online Shops

For the GDPR-compliant design of this consent, you benefit from the use of special cookie solutions for the online shop. This ensures that your website has to ask every user for their consent on every visit before it starts storing tracking data. After consent, you may legally store personal data or set cookies. This data is invaluable for usability and A/B tests, for understanding and interpreting user behavior and for addressing your customers in a way that is appropriate to the target group!

Fragen zu DSGVO, CCPA und Co.?

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What we offer

As the operator of a website or as an advertiser, you can use our cookie solutions for online shops to obtain the consent of your visitors. After consent has been granted, your cookies and tracking tools may track, store and process the data.

  • In the technical implementation, a pop-up or banner appears on the website in this process. This will ask the user whether and to what extent the use of cookies and data collection should be permitted. Depending on their state of mind, online shop visitors may or may not consent to different processing purposes.

  • Curious to know? Simply check your website with our cookie crawler!

  • Our cookie consent in the online shop thus ensures legally secure management of user consent. This gives you peace of mind and allows you to benchmark the nature and extent of consent with other advertisers and partn

  • The IAB Transparency and Consent Framework guarantees transparency. As a communication tool, it shows you whether and how the opt-in procedure is being used by individual visitors to your shop. This framework includes you as a publisher and marketer, as well as advertisers such as Google and of course our consent management solution.

  • You can see which processing purposes and providers your custome Cookie consent managers for online shops generate a consent string in this way. This is in turn created in a cookie. On this basis, it is possible for other consent management providers to read out whether that user has given consent or not.

  • Almost every commercially oriented website collects data in this way. All you need to do is use any data processing tool (e.g. Google Analytics) or a widget on a social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter . As an online retailer who addresses European users via its own website and collects their data, you should always keep yourself informed about the latest data protection standards in the area of ​​tracking and online services for online shops, such as Google Consent Mode v2 . The use of a cookie consent manager – such as the Google-certified consentmanager – offers significant advantages .

Cookie consent manager for online shops: needs and requirements

In addition to simple integration, a good consent management solution depends on interfaces to as many common shop systems as possible. A good consent manager for online shops includes plugins suitable for systems such as Shopware, WooCommerce, TYPO3, Drupal, Gambio, PrestaShop, osCommerce, and others. Blocking cookies and other tracking technologies works automatically after you copy the online store cookie consent code to your site. You can also rely on the cookie crawler to work automatically.

logos von drupal, typo3, shopware, gambio, prestashop, wordpress, woocommerce

The advantages

Consent manager for online shops

  • A cookie is not just a cookie. A distinction must be made between marketing-relevant cookies and technically necessary cookies. For example, when people place products in the shopping basket of your online shop, your shop system records this action using technically necessary cookies. The user can continue shopping, open additional tabs in the browser and compare products.

  • Self-Service Tool

    A modern cookie consent solution maps such technical realities and makes them transparent to customers. Our consent management system thus combines the dimensions of usability, trust, and customer orientation. In practice, you benefit from a simple, intuitive, and fast integration.

  • The central concern of our consent management system is a high positive click rate in the opt-in procedure. To do this, we combine functionality with design issues and increase the trust factor for you through a better acceptance rate. You are more likely to continue tracking, collecting, and using marketing-related cookies. And: Bounce rates are lower, and the time spent in your online shop increases.

The advantages at a glance

  • A good consent manager for online shops provides a constant overview of current acceptance and bounce rates. On the one hand, it gives conclusions about how customers are currently behaving and at the same time reveals potential for improvement.

  • The processing of data

    If you want to do marketing professionally, you can fall back on a myriad of data processing providers. In just a few steps, you can use our consent management system to select the providers you work with.

  • Design is everything

    Shopping has long since moved beyond the desktop. We take Google’s motto to heart: “Mobile first” and display our cookie banners responsively wherever customers access your online store. Whether on smartphones or iPhones, tablets or iPads.

  • A responsive design that adapts to all end devices is given for modern cookie solutions for online shops. The look and feel of the banner will adapt to the respective operating system (e.g. Android or iOS) and fit different screen sizes. This allows you to offer your customers an optimal user experience on all common end devices.

  • Up to date

    We use our consent management system to translate changes in legislation or regulatory requirements into up-to-date solutions. Your cookie consent banner will remain customer friendly and legally complia

  • You can also test the site using A/B tests with a well-designed consent manager. This allows different implementations of the consent banner to be tested and optimised for customer response. There are consent management systems that select the most positive design based on test results.

  • Self-Service Tool

    The integration is easy and can be done quickly. However, we are happy to help you integrate our solution if there are any discrepancies. No matter for which shop system.

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frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

If there is no consent to the use of cookies, no corresponding data can be transmitted. Excluded from this are the technically mandatory cookies. These enable the operation of your website. All other cookies must be blocked.

The legislator requires the consent of a visitor to an online shop or another website if the site uses cookies that go beyond the mere operation of the site. If you give your users the option of objecting to the use of cookies through a Cookie Consent Manager for online shops, they remain legally on the safe side.

In principle, since 2018, EU data protection regulations have required users to be asked for their consent before cookies are set. In this way, they should be able to prevent the setting of cookies. In the past, many website providers interpreted this requirement as an opt-out in their favour. This meant that cookies were always set, which users first had to object to. The opt-in procedure, which is safer from the user’s point of view, is now explicitly a requirement. With a cookie consent manager, you can rely on a legally compliant implementation of the process.

The Cookie Consent for online shops or the Cookie Consent Banner represent software that displays a pop-up or banner. This happens as soon as a visitor or potential customer arrives at the website. Before users see the actual content of the website, they encounter the consent banner. There you can give or refuse your declaration of consent as to whether and to what extent data may be collected and processed. This opt-in procedure is legally required against the background of the GDPR.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!