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Cookie Consent Manager International

If you operate an international website or have customers worldwide, the need for data protection goes beyond the GDPR . Specific privacy policies such as the California CCPA or the Brazilian LGPD may be relevant depending on where you operate. In any case, it is important for the legally secure handling of sensitive data that the consentmanager is internationally oriented. Only if the cookie solutions used meet international data protection requirements are you on the safe side from a legal point of view.


Opt in required

Cookie consent for global companies and the legal background

  • If users visit your website, they must actively give their consent to cookie tracking. What applies in the EU is, in modified form, also binding legislation in other countries around the world. What exactly applies? With our consent management solutions, you can display the right cookie banners worldwide.
    Security is provided by legally binding solutions. And we deliver. Test us without obligation!
  • GDPR – and beyond

    The GDPR or international GDPR applies not only in the EU but throughout the European Economic Area (EEA). Therefore, international cookie consent solutions are relevant for all operators of commercial websites. The importance is exacerbated by the judgment of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in May 2020. Cookies for advertising and market research purposes generally require the informed consent of the user. All data is affected, regardless of whether it is personal data.

  • Our consent management solutions offer transnational transparency. Whatever may apply to different provisions. We deliver tailor-made solutions depending on your degree of internationalization and the markets you serve or conquer. From Europe to the USA to Latin America.
  • CCPA

    Do you process personal data of Californian consumers and do business there? Then you should keep an eye on the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). We know about the specific conditions and implement secure and legally compliant solutions if the requirements are met.

    Failure to comply with CCPA can result in a fine. If your international consent manager also takes the CCPA into account, you as a website operator are on the legally secure side.
    We make your website CCPA compliant. Just test it!

Recommended by lawyers and data protection officers

Your benefits at a glance

Data protection for your customers

Schützen Sie Ihre Kunden und schaffen Sie Vertrauen. Indem Sie alle geltenden Datenschutzregelungen des CCPA und der DSGVO erfüllen, fühlen sich die Besucher bei Ihnen wohl und sicher. Das erhöht die Verweildauer und Conversion Rate!

Protection from lawsuits

Nur, wenn Ihre Website CCPA-konform ist, sind Sie vor Klagen und Geldbußen sicher. Nutzen Sie unseren Consentmanager für optimale CCPA Compliance und eine einfache Umsetzung von Verbraucheranfragen.

increase advertising revenue

Werbetreibende wollen sichergehen, dass ihre Investitionen CCPA-konform sind. Mit unserem CCPA Tool verkaufen Sie mehr Traffic an Advertiser und erhöhen somit Ihren Umsatz.

Secure in Europe

Alle Daten werden von uns in geschützten Datenbanken und ausschließlich auf Servern in Europa gespeichert.

Other International Data Protection Laws

  • Canada

    The agenda was set by the decision of the ECJ (European Court of Justice) . If users visit your web shop, tracking via cookies can no longer only take place after implicit consent. What you want to track must be explicitly stated . The customer or prospect can consent or object to the processing. For this reason, opt-in solutions are mandatory in online shops and on other websites.

  • India

    In the large subcontinent, the Personal Data Protection Bill (PDP Bill) is being discussed with regard to data protection.

  • Singapore

    Here, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) ensures the protection of personal data.

  • Brazil

    In the largest Latin American country, data protection officers with the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) pay attention to the handling and processing of personal data by companies and organizations. This data protection law also applies to companies based in Brazil and equally to those serving customers in Brazil.

Warnings and fines are threatened in the event of non-compliance with local laws. Therefore, you should better take precautions and use a consent management solution like ours.

Of course consentmanager also works with…

Advantages of the cookie consentmanager for international companies

  • A consent manager is for international companies
    a valuable tool for a number of reasons. Consent managers are globally available technical platforms. Your job is automation
    Obtaining consent from your visitors to the processing of their data.
  • Companies can benefit from our consent management solutions in a practical and simple way, national and international . Cookie banners are displayed technically and legally in accordance with the respective country laws and thus create clarity for all sides.
  • Easy integration

    A good consent manager for internationally active companies can be intuitively
    integrate into your website. Simple handling ensures that even users without great technical expertise
    benefit from the automated obtaining of consent.

  • International Laws

    We cover the widest range of privacy policies imaginable. The most important current laws to be implemented are represented by our international cookie banners. Therefore, we have special consent managers for companies that operate internationally and beyond the EU borders, who take international guidelines such as CCPA, PEPIDA or LGPD into account.

  • Technically flawless

    A good consent manager for international companies will automatically block cookies once you have copied the cookie consent code to your website. The cookie crawler that is subsequently active also works automatically .
    What cookies are set on your website? Just check here!

  • Responsive design

    Our cookie solutions for internationally active companies can be flexibly adapted . A responsive orientation is understood with modern
    consent managers by themselves. This also includes adapting the respective appearance of the consent banner to the requirements of the end device – regardless of whether it is a smartphone, tablet or iPhone
    or iPad . Android or iOS . This contributes to a positive user experience, strengthens trust and provides transparency.

  • trust and transparency

    The awareness of the relevance increases. Not just since the introduction of the GDPR. With our consent management solutions, you can keep up with the times, even internationally. You create transparency about the traces customers want to leave on your website. And generate a priceless resource: Trust .

frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

These are software solutions that meet the international need for data protection and take the relevant guidelines into account. In addition to the GDPR for the European Economic Area, these include, for example, the Californian CCPA or the Brazilian LGPD directive. A ConsentManager displays a consent banner to your visitors. Before the customers see the content, they are asked for their consent to the processing of the data.

If your visitors do not give their consent to the processing of the data, there will be no data transfer. The cookies that are technically required for website operation are an exception.

A so-called opt-in is required, i.e. the first cookies may only be collected after express consent. The only exceptions to this are the cookies that are technically required for the operation of the site. Obtaining consent or the opt-in is facilitated or automated via a ConsentManager.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!