Cookie Banner Plugin
Der consentmanager Cookie Banner ist natürlich als passendes Plugin für alle Shop-Systeme und CMS erhältlich. Machen Sie Ihre Webseite oder Shop ganz einfach DSGVO-konform
- Einfache Integration & automatische Cookie-Blockierung
- Mit vorgefertigten Designs oder für individuelle Entwürfe
- Automatische Akzeptanzmessung & optionale A/B-Tests
- Tägliche Crawls & automatische DSGVO-Konformitätsprüfung
- Umfassende Reports zu Seitenaufrufen, Traffic oder zur Bounce-Rate
We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy
Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.
… and many more.
What are website cookies?

Automatische Cookie-Crawls inklusive
Der integrierte Cookie Robot von consentmanager führt täglich automatische Crawls auf Ihrer Website durch und informiert Sie über neue Cookies. Dabei wird die Website einer automatischen DSGVO- Konformitätsprüfung unterzogen. Dadurch lassen sich Probleme beheben und Abmahnungen vermeiden. Die Cookies werden klassifiziert, sodass Sie sofort einen Überblick über die einzelnen Cookies und Anbieter haben.
Recommended by lawyers and data protection officers
Flexible designs
If you run a website for commercial reasons, you must provide your visitors with comprehensive information about the personal data that you collect, store and process.
The legal requirements result from the GDPR, which was passed at European level. It is important that you let your user decide which personal data you are allowed to use and for which data you do not receive consent.
You create the necessary conditions with the legally compliant cookie notice or with the cookie consent banner. In order for the website to function properly, the user must at least give you permission to use the technically necessary cookies. Use a cookie crawler to ensure that your cookie banner plugin complies with the current legal regulations and is GDPR-compliant . As the website operator, it is up to you whether you use a ready-made design for your cookie consent plugin or decide on a personalized variant.
In order for your website to meet the legal requirements of the GDPR, your website must contain a legally compliant cookie banner plugin and a cookie notice. The cookie crawler supports you in searching for the cookies that you use on your website. During the scan, a differentiation is also made automatically according to the cookies that are technically necessary or only have a functional meaning.
The cookie crawler provides you with information on whether the cookie banner, the cookie notice and the cookie consent plugin are GDPR-compliant.
Yes : As a website operator, if you already have your own company logo, you can easily integrate it on your website with the Consent Manager. This does not affect the legal provisions for your cookie banner or cookie notice.
Visitors to your website are interested in their personal data remaining protected. Would you like to obtain consent, e.g. B. to use a phone number for advertising purposes, inform the visitor with your cookie banner that you follow the guidelines of the GDPR and that the personal data remains protected. If a user feels safe, he stays longer on your website. You benefit from lower bounce rates.
The Cookie Consent Plugin provides you with professional and data protection-compliant solutions for obtaining the consent of a user . As a website operator, you benefit from personalized solutions for cookie banners and cookie notices. This allows you to draw additional attention to your company.
You use cookies on your website, some of which are technically necessary and some of which are used functionally. You use the functional cookies to collect the personal data of your visitors. You save e.g. B. a customer’s e-mail address in your system in order to use it to send a newsletter. Since the e-mail address is part of the personal data, you must obtain the consent of the owner of this e-mail address for data protection reasons. Once the user has given permission, you can enable cookies and use your customer’s personal information. You are supported by the cookie banner plugin .