Drupal Cookie Consent Banner
Data protection with consentmanager
Drupal is a CMS (Content Management System) and a framework whose main application is website organization. Drupal Commerce is an open-source shop software that Drupal offers. This allows products to be managed and orders, transactions and payments to be processed. When designing an online shop, coordination between Drupal and GDPR is of great importance. With a Drupal Cookie Consent Banner you ensure a legally compliant cookie opt-in by your users. With a consentmanager you can create a Drupal cookie consent banner in just a few steps.
Drupal cookie banners
needs and requirements
As soon as you operate an online shop, it is essential to use cookies. Some cookies are essential for the technical operation of the website. Others are not absolutely necessary, but are of great economic importance because they provide information about user behavior, for example. This type of Drupal cookie requires explicit consent from your users.
This emerges at the latest from the judgment of the ECJ (European Court of Justice) on the topic of cookies from July 2019. This explicit consent is provided via a Drupal Cookie Consent Banner . With the Drupal cookie notice , you enable your visitors to legally opt-in. As the operator of the website, you are obliged to explicitly ask your users for their consent to the collection of cookies. In connection with the GDPR, the Drupal Cookie Consent serves to strengthen data protection.
The required double opt-in is done via the Drupal Cookie Consent Banner. This is played out when you visit the website, before the first cookie can be created and before the content of the website is visible. On the one hand, the Drupal cookie banner must give customers a clear and unambiguous indication of the cookie processing. On the other hand, he must give your customers the option to either agree or decline.
A Drupal Cookie consentmanager offers a legally compliant implementation option. consentmanager are offered by Consent Management Providers (CMPs) and ensure that users of a website are asked for consent to cookie processing via a Drupal Cookie banner every time they visit.
If consent has been given via the Drupal Cookie Consent Banner, the first Drupal cookie may be set and processed. It is worth noting that since the ECJ ruling, the creation of technically unnecessary cookies is only legal after consent has been given. This applies to a whole series of cookies that are not technically essential but are nevertheless required for the successful operation of the shop, including tracking cookies and analysis cookies, from which you can draw conclusions about user behavior.
4 Top Reasons Why You Should Become GDPR Compliant
Eine responsive Anpassung versteht sich heutzutage von selbst. Kunden greifen über verschiedene Endgeräte mit unterschiedlichen Displaygrößen und Betriebssystemen auf Webseiten zu. Das Consentmanager Cookie Banner passt sich stets responsiv an die jeweiligen Parameter an. Auf diese Weise ist eine optimale Darstellung der Inhalte DSGVO konform möglich. Ganz gleich, ob der Zugriff per Smartphone, Tablet oder Desktop erfolgt, kann das Cookie Banner stets responsiv zu einer Abstimmung mit der DSGVO beitragen.
Multilingual Capability
Da immer mehr Webseiten international ausgerichtet sind, ist eine multilinguale Consent-Lösung wichtig. Auch internationale Kunden wollen verstehen, welchen Cookies sie zustimmen. Daher ist der Cookie Banner des consentmanagers in über 30 Sprachen verfügbar. Damit ist Ihre Webseite für den DSGVO-Raum und weit darüber hinaus sprachlich fit.
Ein Webseiten-Baukastensystem ist auf Plug-ins und Erweiterungen angewiesen. Ebenso kommen oft über Schnittstellen weitere Systeme hinzu. Dies verlangt nach weitreichender Kompatibilität und Interoperabilität. consentmanager ist mitsamt verschiedener Cookie Banner kompatibel mit einer Vielzahl gängiger Tag-Manager, Shopsysteme sowie mit nahezu sämtlichen Google-Produkten und Ad-Servern.
Data protection for your customers
Schützen Sie Ihre Kunden und schaffen Sie Vertrauen. Indem Sie alle geltenden Datenschutzregelungen des CCPA und der DSGVO erfüllen, fühlen sich die Besucher bei Ihnen wohl und sicher. Das erhöht die Verweildauer und Conversion Rate!
Drupal Cookie Consent Banner and its advantages for shop operators
There are several benefits associated with using a Drupal Cookie Consent Banner. One of the most important criteria for a successful online shop is a positive user experience .
Users should be happy to stay on the site and ideally complete a transaction. They should also be able to find their way around the site and be happy to come back. The user experience or the user experience can be measured using certain key figures.
These include the parameters dwell time, acceptance rate and on the other hand the bounce rate . It is important to keep the bounce rate low, while the acceptance rate and with it the length of stay should be correspondingly high. A Drupal cookie hint helps you to achieve a high acceptance rate and a low bounce rate.
A Drupal cookie banner thus contributes to the performance of the online shop. The overarching goals of customer acquisition and retention are directly linked to a high retention time and a low bounce rate.
The advantages of the Drupal Cookie Consent Banner are not only evident for you as a shop owner, but also for your customers.
They benefit from the fact that their right to data protection is taken seriously with the Drupal cookie notice and they have an option to refuse the collection of cookies. The positive user experience leads to more conversions and contributes to customer loyalty in the long term.
Another advantage can be seen on the part of search engine optimization . The user experience is one of the central ranking factors. The more positive the user experience, the higher a website ranks in the search result lists (SERPs) on Google and other search engines. In this way, you will be found faster for relevant searches, which in turn affects the site traffic and customer acquisition.
A good consentmanager with Drupal Cookie Banner offers you an overview of the current acceptance and bounce rates at any time. These can be evaluated in real time. This gives you insight into current customer behavior . At the same time, you can use these key figures to draw conclusions about your potential for improvement.
Multilingualism and international orientation
An international orientation is becoming more and more important for shop operators in terms of competitiveness. An important cornerstone for an international offer is multilingualism. With more than 30 supported languages, the Drupal cookie notice in consentmanager is fit for use throughout the GDPR area and beyond. The Drupal Cookie Consent Banner automatically adapts to the language of your customers.
Responsive adaptation to end devices and operating systems
Today it is Standard for different users to access your offer and your online shop via different devices. Therefore, responsive adaptation to the device used is becoming increasingly important. The Drupal Cookie Consent Banner should adapt to parameters such as operating system (e.g. Android or iOS), device type (e.g. mobile phone or tablet) and screen size. If the Drupal Cookie Consent Manager reacts responsively to the properties of the access devices, it is suitable for almost all user types and visitors.
Drupal Cookie Banner and its compatibility
Compatibility with other systems is now Standard for an online shop. The consentmanager should also be compatible and interoperable with different systems and proprietary solutions. The consentmanager harmonizes with all common shop systems and is compatible with all Google products and tag managers. It is also compatible with most of the common ad servers.
Regardless of whether potential customers access your online shop via a smartphone, tablet or traditionally via the desktop, a Drupal cookie banner ensures legally compliant cookie consent.
Further advantages of the Drupal Cookie consent manager
With the consentmanager you have a customizable Drupal Cookie Consent Banner that you can design in many different ways. Versatile design selection and design options ensure great freedom. Thus, for example, an adaptation to your own corporate design is possible without any problems.
A well thought-out consentmanager also offers extensive A/B testing procedures . These make it possible to test different implementations of the Drupal Cookie Banner. Based on the reactions of the customers, the design can then be improved and optimized. Depending on the test results, the design that evoked the best customer reactions can be selected.
Another advantage is the functionality of AdBlocking . Not only the cookies as such, but also all advertising media can be blocked . As soon as they are used on the website, they are effectively prevented until your customers have given their express consent.

Drupal Cookie Banner: Needs and Requirements
As soon as you operate an online shop, it is essential to use cookies. Some cookies are essential for the technical operation of the website. Others are not absolutely necessary, but are of great economic importance because they provide information about user behavior, for example. This type of Drupal cookie requires explicit consent from your users. This emerges at the latest from the judgment of the ECJ (European Court of Justice) on the topic of cookies from July 2019.
This explicit consent is provided via a Drupal Cookie Consent Banner . With the Drupal cookie notice, you enable your visitors to legally opt-in. As the operator of the website, you are obliged to explicitly ask your users for their consent to the collection of cookies. In connection with the GDPR, the Drupal Cookie Consent serves to strengthen data protection.
A Drupal Cookie consentmanager offers a legally compliant implementation option. consentmanager are offered by Consent Management Providers (CMPs) and ensure that users of a website are asked for consent to cookie processing via a Drupal Cookie banner every time they visit.
If consent has been given via the Drupal Cookie Consent Banner, the first Drupal cookie may be set and processed. It is worth noting that since the ECJ ruling, the creation of technically unnecessary cookies is only legal after consent has been given.
This applies to a whole series of cookies that are not technically essential but are nevertheless required for the successful operation of the shop, including tracking cookies and analysis cookies, from which you can draw conclusions about user behavior.
frequently asked Questions
Not sure if you need a CMP?
To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.
In principle, website operators have had to ask their visitors for consent to the processing of technically unnecessary cookies since 2009. In the past, however, this was often interpreted as an opt-out: the cookies were basically created, while users had to expressly opt out so that this did not happen. With the judgment of 2019, this option no longer exists, since the opt-in is now explicitly provided for. You may only create technically non-essential cookies if your visitors have given their permission .
If a visitor refuses to process cookies, no corresponding data can be transmitted . This eliminates valuable tracking and analysis data on user behavior, for example.
The cookie consent is required wherever cookies are to be collected that go beyond the technical operation of the site . These require an explicit opt-in by your visitors. Only when this is available can the first Drupal cookie be set and processed. This includes all tracking and analytics cookies. Cookies that are technically necessary for operation are an exception to this rule.
You can obtain explicit consent in the form of an opt-in via a Drupal Cookie Consent Banner. This appears as soon as visitors visit your website. Before the content of the page is played, the Drupal Cookie Notice asks your visitors for consent to the use of cookies. This is an opt-in procedure that ensures legal certainty against the background of the ECJ ruling.
Cookie consent is the consent of your visitors to the use and processing of cookies . As soon as users reach your website, cookies are created. Some of them are technically necessary. Others are not essential for the functioning of the site. The latter fall under the ECJ cookie judgment of 2019. This means that they require express consent. Drupal Cookie Consent is therefore consent to the cookies of your Drupal shop.
Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!