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Modified shop cookie banner

tool for one
GDPR-compliant data protection

The shop system modified Shop or modified eCommerce is open source shop software that has existed since the end of 2008. Since then, the shop system has been continuously developed and has become increasingly widespread. The shop system focuses on security, ease of use and, above all, stability. Making your modified shop GDPR compliant is essential for legally compliant shop operation . With a modified shop cookie notice from a consentmanager , you can easily implement this requirement.

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Modified Shop at a glance

  • The modified eCommerce software is a free shop system that was developed under the GPL (GNU General Public License). Modified eCommerce was formerly known as xtcModified. Since the first presentation in 2008, there has been constant further development. The development team behind modified eCommerce is constantly updating and optimizing the shop system. Customers and users should thus find an error-free shop system that offers the best possible user experience. By reacting to new market conditions as promptly and quickly as possible, the shop system should always be up-to-date and ensure its users’ competitiveness. The developers behind modified attach particular importance to a stable program, security and easy handling .

    The modified eCommerce software has numerous templates and design templates that can be easily customized. Since it is an open source solution, modified lives, among other things, from a strong and active community . This works in concert on improvements, extensions and new functions. This community is also responsible for fast and long-term maintenance of the shop system so that stable operation is possible over the long term. Furthermore, in cooperation with users and the publishers of the shop system, the community regularly develops various demo shops from different sectors and industries. Therefore, as a shop operator, you benefit from already existing suitable solutions for your own company.

    As a user or shop operator, you have the opportunity to participate in the development of the open source solution . In this way you can, for example, participate in the development of new functions or extensions in the forum.

    The involvement of numerous external companies also enables the offering of many additional services. These can be integrated into modified eCommerce. These and other options enable an almost unlimited variety of possibilities to set up and constantly expand your own shop system.

    In principle, modified Shop can be used by companies of any industry and size that are active in online trading. It should be noted that the use requires know-how . Interventions are required for minor changes and customizations. Due to the active community, however, sufficient help is given. Our own wiki system and forum help users find their way around quickly. However, a certain training period must be taken into account until your own shop meets your own requirements and needs.

    With the functionality and the amount of data collected, the importance of a legally compliant implementation of cookie management increases. At this point, a modified shop cookie note plays an important role.

  • Modified shop cookie notice

    Every operator of a modified shop site is obliged to make his modified shop GDPR compliant . This also includes cookie consent management in the sense of consent to the use of cookies . In principle, cookies (which are not technically necessary) may only be set if the clear and express consent of your users has been given. This results at the latest from the judgment of the ECJ (European Court of Justice) on the subject of cookies. The practical implementation of the consent must take the form of a double opt-in. Your visitors must therefore have the option of agreeing to the collection of modified shop cookies or rejecting them immediately when they visit your shop. This can be implemented with a modified shop cookie notice. On the one hand, this banner must contain a clear indication of the type and scope of the cookie collection and processing. Furthermore, the modified shop cookie notice must give your users the option of either granting or rejecting their consent. Only with this opt-in is it possible to coordinate modified shop and GDPR.

    Cookie consentmanager can be used to ensure legally compliant implementation of cookie consent. CMPs (Consent Management Providers) offer these. They help ensure that users have a consent option every time they visit your modified shop page. The setting of the first cookie is only permitted after consent has been given.

  • Modified Shop Cookie Notice: Needs and Requirements

    In principle, every commercially operated website (this includes online shops) needs the recording of cookies. The need goes beyond the technically required cookies. Analysis and tracking tools also work with cookies. Competitive operation of the online shop is hardly imaginable without these tools. In principle, a separate cookie must be created for almost every data collection. The use of cookies requires the express consent of your users. At the latest since the ECJ ruling, it has therefore been essential to ask for this consent. This can be implemented with a clear modified shop cookie notice. This notice in the form of a banner gives users the option of accepting or rejecting technically unnecessary cookies.

    A good modified shop cookie notice can ideally be easily integrated into the shop without affecting the functionality. Consent management should always be without technical hurdles be actionable. When selecting the consent manager, you should also pay attention to interfaces to other systems and solutions that may be used. If you are an international provider, the multilingualism of the modified shop cookie notice is of great importance. After the successful integration of the code for Cookie Consent into your modified eCommerce shop, every cookie that is not absolutely necessary is automatically blocked. The cookies are only collected and analyzed after consent has been given.

Modified Shop Cookie Notice and its benefits

The use of the modified shop cookie notice is an important step to make modified shop GDPR compliant. However, a good cookie manager has a number of other advantages for shop operations. This includes a positive user experience and a longer dwell time. A good modified shop is tailored exactly to the needs of your target group . The goal is an excellent user experience.

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Your benefits at a glance

    Dwell time and acceptance rate

  • User experience can be expressed in metrics such as acceptance rate and bounce rate . Both parameters are closely related to the length of time your users stay on the website. The bounce rate should be as low as possible, while the acceptance rate should be as high as possible.

    With a good consentmanager , you can achieve higher acceptance rates and lower bounce rates . As a result, the length of time your customers or visitors stay longer. This increases the probability of a conversion, for example in the form of a purchase or other transaction completion. The important goals of customer acquisition and long-term customer loyalty can only be achieved in the long term if the bounce rate is low. A modified shop cookie hint helps to achieve lower bounce rates and higher acceptance rates. The modified shop cookie notice therefore makes an important contribution to fully exploiting the potential of your modified shop in compliance with GDPR.

    The advantages can be found both on your side as the operator of the shop and on the side of your customers. While customers have the certainty that their need for data protection is taken seriously, they benefit from legal certainty in the implementation . This positive user experience makes customers stay longer and increases the conversion rate. Likewise, this positive user experience benefits customer satisfaction . This, in turn, has an impact on customer loyalty and contributes to the fact that customers are happy to come back to you. A positive user experience is also advantageous with regard to search engine optimization (SEO): Since search engines include the user experience in the rankings, a positive experience can have a beneficial effect on the position in the search result lists.

    With a good consentmanager you have a constant real-time overview of the current acceptance and bounce rates on your online shop. This gives you an insight into the current behavior of your customers when they visit your shop at any time. With this valuable insight into current customer behavior, you can also draw important conclusions about possible optimization potential .

  • Multilingual modified shop cookie notice

    If you run a shop with an international focus , multilingualism is an essential requirement. Most shop operators gear their shops to customers in different languages and in different countries. Therefore, a modified shop cookie notice should in principle be able to be displayed in several languages, at least in the languages ​​of the countries in the GDPR area. The consentmanager is compatible with more than 30 languages ​​and can automatically display the modified shop cookie notice to your customers in their language.

  • responsiveness

    Given the widespread use of mobile devices and the frequent mobile access to shops , responsive adaptation of the display of web content is now Standard . This also affects the display of the modified shop cookie notice. All content must adapt to the end device used, as well as to the operating system and screen size. The type of display in the Cookie consentmanager is automatically adjusted to the devices used by your customers to access your shop. The appearance adapts to both the respective operating system (e.g. Android or iOS) and the end device used (e.g. smartphone or tablet). In this way, the consentmanager is suitable for all common devices , and the modified shop cookie notice can be displayed in almost all situations. Regardless of the type of access, a modified shop GDPR compliance is ensured.

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Modified shop cookie notice

Additional advantages

  • The use of a well thought-out consent manager also offers you a range of customizable design options . The modified shop cookie notice can be individually designed and thus adapted to your own corporate identity, for example.

    Furthermore, a consent management provider offers you the advantages of ad blocking . This means that all advertising materials used on the shop website can be effectively prevented until your visitors have given their consent.

  • In addition to data protection and the coordination of modified shops and GDPR, a consentmanager also contributes to data security . Protected storage of the information is possible on the (exclusively European) servers. Furthermore, automated updates of the consent manager ensure that current security standards are always in place.

    Another advantage can be found in the integrated A/B testing procedures . The A/B testing is used to find the optimal settings (e.g. the best possible design) for the modified shop cookie notice. This automatically optimizes the cookie banner.

frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

If a visitor refuses to consent to the use of cookies, these cookies will not be set. For example, you no longer have any tracking or analysis data , as these are not collected or transmitted. As a banner, the modified shop cookie notice contains several options for the type and scope of consent.

In principle, technically necessary cookies may also be set without consent . All others require express consent. The first non-essential cookie may only be set after your visitors have opted in.

With a modified shop cookie notice, you can display a banner that explicitly asks for your consent. As soon as a potential customer visits your website, he will be confronted with the banner. The first non-technically required cookie can only be set after consent has been given. It is about the implementation of an opt-in procedure, which has been provided and required at least since the ECJ judgment with regard to the coordination of modified shop and DSGVO.

The GDPR and the ECJ ruling provide that cookies may only be used after express consent . The only exceptions to this are the cookies that are technically required for operation. All others (e.g. tracking cookies) may only be set after the user has explicitly opted in. As the shop operator, you are responsible for offering your users the option to object.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!