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Shopware: Cookie banner for your website

More than a quarter of all e-commerce offers in Germany used Shopware in 2020. They all have to solve a difficult problem due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the EU e-Privacy Regulation: visitors must legally consent to the use of cookies and be informed about them.

Our consent manager offers a powerful solution that can be easily integrated into a Shopware shop and meets all legal requirements – not only the GDPR and the EU regulation, but also the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) . Our consent manager also automatically blocks unauthorized cookies.

Consentlösung mit individuellen Design Cookie Banner Preview

Shopware cookie banners

  • GDPR, Shopware and Cookies

    Cookies are small utilities that monitor users and record their behavior. Basically, this is necessary for functional reasons. As an example: In order to enable fast loading times of all subpages, a program must save and make available certain information (size of the screen, barrier-free view – yes or no?, etc.). This ability also allows cookies to do more: track users across multiple websites and create profiles. If they are used for this purpose, they are called marketing cookies .

    However, the GDPR , which came into force in 2018, stipulates that user data may not be collected without permission. The owners of the data must also be informed about what is stored and for what purpose. An active opt-in procedure is required throughout Europe. In Germany, some shop operators saw things differently, but the e-privacy regulation has removed such doubts. Put simply, an active opt-in process means that a visitor is not only asked to choose whether or not to allow cookies. He must be able to make a choice in detail.

    Websites cannot simply do without cookies, as some are functionally necessary, as mentioned. This is particularly relevant for operators of Shopware shops (and of course also for similar systems). Functional cookies have to do even more in e-commerce offers. For example, searches should be saved. Shops also want to offer product recommendations. All of this only works through the utilities named after sweet pastries. However, these explanations already show how complicated it is to set up a legally secure consent procedure.

  • Consentmanager offers automatic Shopware cookie crawls

    Cookies are small utilities that monitor users and record their behavior. Basically, this is necessary for functional reasons. As an example: In order to enable fast loading times of all subpages, a program must save and make available certain information (size of the screen, barrier-free view – yes or no?, etc.). This ability also allows cookies to do more: track users across multiple websites and create profiles. If they are used for this purpose, they are called marketing cookies .

    However, the GDPR , which came into force in 2018, stipulates that user data may not be collected without permission. The owners of the data must also be informed about what is stored and for what purpose. An active opt-in procedure is required throughout Europe. In Germany, some shop operators saw things differently, but the e-privacy regulation has removed such doubts. Put simply, an active opt-in process means that a visitor is not only asked to choose whether or not to allow cookies. He must be able to make a choice in detail.

    Websites cannot simply do without cookies, as some are functionally necessary, as mentioned. This is particularly relevant for operators of Shopware shops (and of course also for similar systems).

    Functional cookies have to do even more in e-commerce offers. For example, searches should be saved. Shops also want to offer product recommendations. All of this only works through the utilities named after sweet pastries. However, these explanations already show how complicated it is to set up a legally secure consent procedure.

We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy

Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.

… and many more.

The system behind the Shopware Cookie Consent Manager: via the CMS

  • Overview

    Shopware is a content management system (CMS) for online shops that originated in Germany and was first published in 2004. It has a modular structure . This means that its range of functions can be expanded through extensions. There are more than 3500 plugins for the system . Accordingly, the compulsion to obtain Shopware cookie usage consent is growing rapidly. The extensions also work with the programs.

    Shopware exists in different versions – from a free Community Edition to an Enterprise Edition, which is intended for very large shops. Shopware is very popular in many places because the users are active and helpful . Important questions are often discussed in the forum – for example, the Shopware Cookie Notice.

  • Texts in different languages for the Shopware Cookie Consent Manager

    If you want to obtain a legally compliant Shopware cookie usage consent, you need relevant texts. Our consent manager offers these as templates. As your Consent Management Provider (CMP), we ensure that the Shopware cookie banners are always formulated appropriately . They are also available in 26 languages. Of course, you also have the option of making individual adjustments to the texts.

  • Behaviour: This is how our Shopware Cookie Consent Manager works

    Our Shopware cookie banner offers two ways to give consent. Firstly, the “Accept” button is suitable for this. Second, the “Close” button also has this effect. This protects you legally. Many users simply want to click away Shopware cookie notices and therefore select “Close”. Of course, you still need consent to let the visitor onto the site. Our Shopware Cookie Consent Manager also works with a countdown and allows scrolling and navigating in your shop.

    Integration of the Shopware Cookie Consent Manager is quick and easy

    Our Shopware cookie hints can be integrated using a tag manager. For Android and iOS we also provide an inApp software development kit to enable this process for native applications . The integration is therefore possible in the following websites:

    • Web shop or website
    • mobile websites (with responsive design)
    • AMP websites

Shopware, e-commerce and data protection – what applies to Shopware cookie notices?

Some explanations about the interaction of Shopware e-commerce, data protection and cookie information have been given in the other info boxes, but not all of them. First, accountability arises. You must be able to prove to the authorities that you comply with the legal regulations. Our Consent Manager for Shopware Cookies helps in this regard. Second, there is a right to be forgotten . Data must be deleted on request.

IAB konformes CMP, DSGVO, TTDSP, CCPA und mehr

frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

You can reach us by phone at 040/228544660. Alternatively, you can write an email to Both options are not intended for support. Please note this. We give you your own contact options for this as soon as you use our Consent Manager.

We have a simple supplement scheme to deal with this issue and treat you fairly. If you break the limit you have booked, there will be an additional cost of two cents per 1000 page views.

We are happy to help you with words and deeds. If you have any questions, you can always contact us. However, the integration is so simple that you usually do not need our support for it.

Yes, we offer a free test, especially for smaller shops. As mentioned above, we also don’t charge anything for up to 10,000 monthly page views.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!