Cookie Consent Manager for WordPress
Plug-ins for legally secure data protection
As one of the most popular CMS, WordPress ranks high on websites. Numerous company websites or shops are based on WordPress. This makes it all the more important to comply with the provisions of the GDPR. Precise specifications must be observed for the setting of cookies and tracking technologies in general. This balancing act between technology, design and legal requirements presents website operators with great difficulties. We show you that worries and problems are unfounded. Because we at consentmanager deliver solutions that are simple, secure and integrative. Also for your website.
WordPress as a content management system
- As a content management system (CMS), WordPress is the world’s most popular solution. Globally, almost 40 percent of all online presences are based on the open-source CMS. The strengths of WordPress lie in its clear structure and fast implementation. Another advantage is the enormous variety of plug-ins. A variety of themes enable users to create a visually appealing website with high ease of use in just a few steps.
WordPress offers a total of more than 50,000 different plugins. The mostly free extensions have a large variety of functions. They range from SEO plugins (search engine optimization) to cache plugins to make a website load faster. - The widespread use of WordPress as a CMS ensures that many online service providers also offer extensions and plugins to link WordPress with their respective services.
This is where we at consentmanager come into play. After all, solutions have to be sophisticated where it becomes legally tricky and design-technical programming skills are required. Our Cookie Consent plugin for WordPress is designed as a comprehensive GDPR extension. And contributes to the legally compliant appearance of your WordPress site.
We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy
Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.
… and many more.
Cookie Consent for WordPress – why actually?
- In principle, a website visitor’s voluntary and express consent to the processing of cookies in WordPress is required. The only exceptions to this are strictly necessary cookies that are essential for the operation of the website.
- The need for express consent (also known as consent) results from a decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Express consent can be implemented in practice with an opt-in option. This means that visitors are given the option of granting or rejecting consent to cookie processing directly during their visit.
- This is usually done by displaying a small banner with a WordPress cookie notice. Here users can decide whether they give their consent or only allow the processing of certain, selected cookies in WordPress. The handling of such consent is called cookie consent.
- Many portals, marketplaces and platforms already take care of cookie consent management ex works. However, if you run your own WordPress site, it is up to you to ensure the necessary and GDPR-compliant consent management.
- The market offers plenty of solutions. consentmanager provides cookie consent managers that dynamically take different aspects into account. At Consent-Manager, we continually take design issues, multilingualism and foreign jurisdictions , such as in Brazil or Canada, into account and highlight the specific added value compared to Standard solutions on the plugin market.
Cookie Consent Management: Standards and Functionality
- In principle, a website visitor’s voluntary and express consent to the processing of cookies in WordPress is required. The only exceptions to this are strictly necessary cookies that are essential for the operation of the website.
- The need for express consent (also known as consent) results from a decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Express consent can be implemented in practice with an opt-in option. This means that visitors are given the option of granting or rejecting consent to cookie processing directly during their visit.
- This is usually done by displaying a small banner with a WordPress cookie notice. Here users can decide whether they give their consent or only allow the processing of certain, selected cookies in WordPress. The handling of such consent is called cookie consent.
- Many portals, marketplaces and platforms already take care of cookie consent management ex works. However, if you run your own WordPress site, it is up to you to ensure the necessary and GDPR-compliant consent management.
- The market offers plenty of solutions. consentmanager provides cookie consent managers that dynamically take different aspects into account. At Consent-Manager, we continually take design issues, multilingualism and foreign jurisdictions , such as in Brazil or Canada, into account and highlight the specific added value compared to Standard solutions on the plugin market.
Cookie Consent Manager for WordPress: Maximum transparency
A business WordPress site can hardly avoid recording cookies or storing data. Not only the essential cookies for the pure operation of the website, but also for the mostly indispensable advertising purposes, data must be collected constantly. When choosing a good consent manager, WordPress site operators should pay attention to certain performance characteristics and properties. Our cookie managers can be intuitively integrated into WordPress, so that consent management can be implemented without a great deal of technical experience. In addition to being easy to integrate, interfaces to other services used are also important. After copying the code for the cookie consent to your WordPress site, the blocking of cookies and other tracking tools will be done automatically. The cookie crawler also works automatically in the background.

Your benefits
Eine responsive Anpassung versteht sich heutzutage von selbst. Kunden greifen über verschiedene Endgeräte mit unterschiedlichen Displaygrößen und Betriebssystemen auf Webseiten zu. Das Consentmanager Cookie Banner passt sich stets responsiv an die jeweiligen Parameter an. Auf diese Weise ist eine optimale Darstellung der Inhalte DSGVO konform möglich. Ganz gleich, ob der Zugriff per Smartphone, Tablet oder Desktop erfolgt, kann das Cookie Banner stets responsiv zu einer Abstimmung mit der DSGVO beitragen.
Multilingual Capability
Da immer mehr Webseiten international ausgerichtet sind, ist eine multilinguale Consent-Lösung wichtig. Auch internationale Kunden wollen verstehen, welchen Cookies sie zustimmen. Daher ist der Cookie Banner des consentmanagers in über 30 Sprachen verfügbar. Damit ist Ihre Webseite für den DSGVO-Raum und weit darüber hinaus sprachlich fit.
Ein Webseiten-Baukastensystem ist auf Plug-ins und Erweiterungen angewiesen. Ebenso kommen oft über Schnittstellen weitere Systeme hinzu. Dies verlangt nach weitreichender Kompatibilität und Interoperabilität. consentmanager ist mitsamt verschiedener Cookie Banner kompatibel mit einer Vielzahl gängiger Tag-Manager, Shopsysteme sowie mit nahezu sämtlichen Google-Produkten und Ad-Servern.
Data protection for your customers
Schützen Sie Ihre Kunden und schaffen Sie Vertrauen. Indem Sie alle geltenden Datenschutzregelungen des CCPA und der DSGVO erfüllen, fühlen sich die Besucher bei Ihnen wohl und sicher. Das erhöht die Verweildauer und Conversion Rate!
WordPress and the cookies: which data is processed?
- There are basically three types of cookies in WordPress: user cookies, comment cookies and any third-party cookies.
session cookies
User or session cookies are used to store login and authentication data. Such cookies are stored for a period of 15 days by default. Here, the personal data is stored as encrypted and hashed information. When users are not actively logging into their WordPress site, session cookies are hardly ever used. They are only used by administrators when they update the WordPress site.
Comment cookies
- Comment cookies are always set as soon as users comment on a post in WordPress. Specifically, these are the three cookies comment_author_[hash] , comment_author_email_[hash] and Comment_author_url_[hash] . The cookies help to ensure that user information is stored in the comment function. Visitors then do not have to set their information again for each comment. This type of cookie lasts about a year. Then new ones are set.
Third Party Cookies
In addition, third-party cookies become relevant when using plugins and extensions. Here, the areas of application range from analysis tracking to e-commerce functionalities. Although WordPress itself only uses two core cookies, most WordPress sites and their plugins set far more cookies. It is confusing and hard to imagine knowing all the cookies exactly. This is another reason why a well thought-out system for legally compliant cookie management is important.
Of course consentmanager also works with…
frequently asked Questions
Not sure if you need a CMP?
To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.
Consent in the form of an opt-in is required by law as soon as a site uses cookies that go beyond the mere functionality of the site. As the operator, you must give users the option to object to the use of cookies before they are created. Otherwise you will be legally vulnerable.
The use of essential cookies for the operation of the website is also possible without consent. An opt-in procedure is mandatory for other cookies. Before the cookies can be used, users must have expressly consented to this. After consent, cookies may be set legally.
In addition to the WordPress cookie notice, the banner provides your visitors with several consent options. Without consent to the use of cookies, no corresponding data can be collected or transmitted. The only exception are the essential cookies, which are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website.
A cookie consent solution is software that displays a banner for your visitors to consent to the use and processing of cookies. As soon as a user reaches the website, he sees this request in the form of the consent banner. The actual content of the website will only be displayed after the declaration or refusal of consent. It is an opt-in procedure, which is required under the GDPR and the ECJ ruling.
Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!