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Usercentrics alternative from consentmanager

Powerful and flexible

Due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), cookie consent solutions have become indispensable for every web presence – from simple websites to smartphone apps. Consentmanager offers a powerful and flexible alternative to Usercentrics . This can be easily integrated into all websites. It also automatically blocks non-approved cookies. The integrated crawler visits your website every day and informs you about new cookies and providers.

Illustration Frau liegt auf Cookie-Banner

We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy

Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.

… and many more.

  • What are website cookies?

    Cookies – this word is actually a term for sweet pastries. In fact, these are small data packets that are exchanged together with a code between communication partners in a network. They owe their name to the fact that their invention in the 1990s was so revolutionary that they were called “magic cookies”. Cookies have a simple mission. They log what a user does. This information is in the data packet. They are transmitted to the defined communication partner. This also explains why cookies are sometimes also referred to as “spies”. Some of them are able to track users on the Internet for a long time and evaluate their behavior. They are referred to as marketing cookies and are problematic in terms of data protection. On the other hand, there are also functional cookies. These remember the settings that a user chooses for a website or an app. They are indispensable for the comfortable use of the network. For example, simply banning all cookies from a website is out of the question. Powerful and flexible cookie consent solutions always offer the option to allow certain cookies but not others.

  • Automatic cookie crawls by our consent manager

    Our Usercentrics alternative has an integrated cookie robot or spider. This automatically searches for cookies on your website every day. Those that it finds are independently checked for their GDPR compliance . All cookies are automatically classified by our consent manager. This makes it easy for you to immediately stop those who do not comply with the law. Of course you will receive notifications about new cookies and we offer a plugin to integrate a constantly updated cookie list into your data protection declaration, for example.

    Themes and customization options

    Our consent manager offers ready-made designs that allow you to start using it immediately. However, you can also change these. For example, there is the option of integrating your own company logo. In addition, you can also create your own designs in the chargeable offer packages. With the text of our Usercentrics alternative, it is possible to change the font size, color and style. You can also customize the buttons, customize the background to your liking, and set the spacing and border. This is not all. Other options concern, for example, the number of buttons: There can be an accept, a reject and a close button – or just the first one. You can set the website to be hidden without confirming the cookies. And you have a total of eight box positions available.

Of course consentmanager also works with…

What does the GDPR mean for the use of cookies?

The GDPR requires that individuals must actively consent to the use of their data . They also have the right to be forgotten again. This offers two things for cookies and their management solution: Since the small utilities store information, the consent of the website visitor must be obtained. The system must be able to delete this information on request .

Illustration Ehepaar auf der Couch vor Cookie Banner
  • Texts in the consentmanager are adaptable

    Our Usercentrics alternative works with ready-made texts that have been formulated in a legally secure manner. These can be played out in over 30 languages. But you also have the option of adapting the texts according to your own ideas. Please note, however, that the legal review is your responsibility.

    Behavior of our Usercentrics alternative

    The operation of the consent manager is intuitive for your visitors. The accept and the close button result in consent to the use of cookies. You can also display a countdown . You can also specify whether or not visitors are allowed to scroll and navigate on the page or in the app despite a displayed cookie notice.

  • Easy integration of Consentmanager into your website

    We have made sure that our Usercentrics alternative can be integrated into your website as easily as possible. This affects websites, the mobile network (with responsive design) and AMP websites. We offer a suitable software development kit (SDK) for Android and iOS apps (iPhone, iPad). The integration takes place via Tag Manager.

    Our Usercentrics alternative is characterized by high compatibility

    The simple integration of Consentmanager is not at the expense of the compatibility of our solution – on the contrary. It supports practically all Google products, for example:

    • Adsense
    • DFP
    • Analytics
    • Google Tag Manager

    It is also compatible with Google’s “ATP” list, which lists third-party providers authorized by the company. Consentmanager also supports other TagManagers such as Tealium. The solution is compatible with almost all data management platforms (DMPs) and ad servers. Facebook Pixel and the associated retargeting option are also supported. Consent to cookies can also be sent to SSP, DSP, TradingDesks and AdExchanges.

Clear reporting with our Usercentrics alternative

It is in the nature of things that you want comprehensive reporting from a Usercentrics alternative. Finally, you will receive valuable information that you need to optimize your website, your online shop or your other offer. We therefore offer you a wide range of options. For example, you can filter by Consent Management Provider (CMP), domain, country, theme, browser, device class, or operating system. The same is possible for different data.

You can also display page views, information about traffic with given consent and about the individual screens (accepted, rejected, adjusted). You can also determine the bounce rate . This is the rate of users who drop out of the consent manager. All reports can be exported in the typical formats to make them easily available to other user groups.

Consentmanger Consentlösung

Your benefits at a glance

  • GDPR and CCPA are taken into account by Consent Manager

    We monitor changes in regulations under the GDPR and CCPA. If this happens, we take this into account in our cookie consent solution. The following applies: We will adapt our offer as quickly as possible. In this way, you can be sure of always having legal certainty when you use our texts.

  • Consentmanager is a powerful Usercentrics alternative

    The sections above presented you with our Consent Manager as a powerful Usercentrics alternative . You could get a first glimpse of the fact that we’re all about giving you everything you need—but also being able to make flexible adjustments. However, nothing beats the personal impression. So test our consent manager now for free as your Usercentrics alternative.

frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

Customers of our standard solution can submit a ticket. Support is also available via email and telephone and dedicated support for the other tariffs. Our team can help you in German and English. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to seek our help. You will receive support as soon as possible and we can use the knowledge to further improve our support and our offer.

In most cases, websites and apps use applications that fall under the CCPA. This includes, for example, everything that begins with the word Google. The associated legal regulations must be taken into account accordingly.

Consentmanager calculates usage-based. The price increases with page views. We deliberately chose wide spaces. For new websites and shops, the nearest tariff limits are far away. You can therefore develop carefree and do not have to worry that the costs for our solution will be too high.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!