Please note that we have started phasing out old codes. The phase-out schedule is July 01, 2023 and December 31, 2023 depending on the type of codes. Old codes must be found and replaced by then. This affects automatic block codes, manual/semi-automatic block codes, cookie list codes, vendor list codes, JS API access, AMP codes, and mobile SDKs. In the next months we will also add a log in the customer area to inform customers in their dashboard if they are using old codes and a change is necessary.
Old codes can be identified by one of the following characteristics:
1) Abolition of codes with domain (July 01, 2023)
Codes issued before mid-2021 include the domain in URLs. If you use codes that contain this domain, please update the codes promptly to the new version, which you can find in your consentmanager login. These codes MUST be updated no later than July 01, 2023!
2) Abolition of codes with CMP ID instead of code ID (December 31, 2023)
Older codes use the specific CMP ID in the code (e.g. the URL will be …?id=123 or data-cmp-id=”123″). Support for CMP IDs in codes is now deprecated. Instead, all new codes will only contain code IDs. Code IDs are a mixture of numbers and characters and are at least 9 characters long (e.g. “de8b8d81224a”). The code IDs are set using another JS variable in the CMP code (window.cmp_cdid = … or data-cmp-cdid=”…”). If you are using codes that still contain CMP IDs instead of code IDs, please update the codes to the new version, which you can find in your consentmanager login. These codes must be updated no later than December 31, 2023.
3) Removal of SDKs before version 1.5 (31 December 2023)
We’ve updated the SDKs for Android and iOS to allow the use of Code IDs (described above). The updated SDKs start with version number 1.5. SDKs with version numbers below 1.5 are now deprecated. These SDKs must be updated by December 31, 2023 at the latest.
Plugin updates
If you use one of the consentmanager plugins (e.g. WordPress, Magento, GTM, …), the updates will most likely appear automatically in your CMS system. Please note that not all plugins have been updated yet. We will notify users directly in your consentmanager dashboard if changes are required.
Do you have questions about the code update?
Our support team is happy to answer any questions you may have about customizing and updating the codes.
Please email your questions to the following address: